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ESE Lightning Arrester ( Early streamer Emission Lightning Arrester ) Made in Europe  and tested at 4000kVolt in High Voltage Testing Laboratory in Europe as per France standard NFC-17-102  and supplied by 3E Solutions is a state of the Art Lightning Protection System used in Europe. On an appropriate mast  height of 3 to 6 meter, ESE Lightning Arrester is able to protect structures or installations upto a protection radius of 79 meter. The  air terminal is configured as cylinderical body of single joint-less Stainless steel body comprising  of 4 or more  auxiliary  rods electrically isolated surrounding an earthed central finial. 

The made in Europe stainless steel body air terminal is tested in reputed international lab  having facility to test as per NFC 17-102 : 2011  for determination of the initiation advance with high voltage impulse generator above 4 MV.

Lightning is most common natural calamity causing maximum nos of deaths year on year. Lightning protection system is not given sufficient dilligence in installations , Projects ,Mines etc and thus cause loss of man, machines and productivity. Currently ESE type lightning protection system, most common protection theme used in Europe for Lightning Protection is in use and 3E feels proud to announce to be leader in Rajasthan to serve this state of art system.

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Ese Lightning Arrester Or Lightning Protection System
The Protection Radius covered by ESE Lightning Arrester depends upon level of protection, height of mast and choice of ESE Lightning Arrester initiation advance in micro seconds. 3E Solutions also visit site on visiting charge basis to be able to provide the optimum design configuration and place to mount the Mast and LA as per NFC-17 standards.

ESE Lightning System Protection - Coverage Area

ESE Lightning protection protection is practised primarily in europe and good practices had been developed there only with time. The only standard available to determine compliance is NFC -17-102, made by France and should be strictly followed. The agency working on installation of ESE Lightning Protection should be conversant with NFC -17-102.

As per NFC-17-102, the protection radius increse with the Mast height, however ceases to

Ese lightning arrester protection radius es 60 1

ESE Lightning Arrester Installation

For ESE Lightning Protection System, following are required:

1. Site visit to assess the feasibility of installation of Lightning mast and Air Terminal, path of the conductor to earth and earthings location.

2. The protection radius is determined with cordination to mast height. Optimum mast height level is 5.5 meter for ES-60 generally used. 

3. The following items are required to complete the work:

 a. Air Terminal or Lightning Rod say ES-60

b . Lightning Mast with Height say Lightning Mast of Height 5.5 meter

c. Conductor :  It connects the Air Terminal to earthings. For example a 5 storey building , the vertical length required of     approx 18 meter and horizontal length approx 30 meter totalling to 48 meter. The most common specs in use in government specifications are Copper flexible cable of 70 sqmm. However, we strongly recommend to use 8 mm Aluminium conductor ( Cross Section Area=50 sq mm) which is also recommended by IEC.

4. Lightning Strike Counter ( with Box)  : It counts the lightning strikes however many users avoid it . It is optional and can be supplied and installed by 3E Solutions.

5. Earthings: 2 Nos Chemical earthings are recommended. Most recommended specifications are Premium Earthings by 3E Solutions in Tata Pipes 3.1 mm thick Pipe in Pipe having inner pipe in Copper 25 mm dia and outer pipe 56 mmTata Pipe. 

6. Annually, all joints must be inspected visually for any damage.

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