3e solutions

Difference between Earthing Vs Grounding

Earthing: PROCESS OF EARTHING AND ITS ADVANTAGES – DEFINITION When we bring a charged body in contact with the earth, all the excess charge on the body disappears by causing a momentary current to pass to the ground through the connecting conductor (such as our body). This process of sharing the charges with the earth is callled  earthing. Earthing […]


Complete Range of 3E Supplies

3E Solutions manufacture Chemical Earthing Electrodes in Jaipur and supplies in whole Rajasthan as on now. Apart from Chemical Earthing, 3E Solutions provide quality electrical projects materials at best prices directly to different parts of Rajasthan like Kota, Bhilwara, Udaipur, Alwar and Jodhpur. Our Range in Electrical Supplies across Rajasthan is as follows: 4. Lightning […]


Energy Conservation and Audit

¨“We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children” is a famous quote from Chief Seattle.


Electrical Safety- can some one afford to ignore??

Cables laid in open and have joints: A very common scene is we come across cables in pathways or from sides of walkways.At some places this wire or cable has joints too. There is a common tendency that when production suffers, the time given is so less to fix the problem and rectify it. In […]


Is your installation electrically safe?

Is your installation electrically safe? This question comes in our mind whenever we read news in the morning often whenever we read fire or electrical accident news. Our mind asks, is our own installation safe? Follow few tips and if you have doubt, dont forget to take help of electrical safety engineer or electrical safety auditor. 1. […]


Dont delay energy savings for Energy Audit.

It is observed that many times, when energy conservation idea brought to the notice of management, it is often hold till an detailed energy audit is carried out. It may look logical though as all the relevant inputs required for a capital investments are available then only justifying investment. But we delay our potential to […]


Summary of IS:3043

Extra high voltage – the neutral points shall be earthed by not Less than two separate and distinct connections with earth, each having its own electrode at the generating station or substation and may be earthed at any other point with electrodes having sufficient distance between them not to interfere with each other. If necessary, the neutral may be earthed through suitable resistance /  impedance.
As far as possible, all earth connections shall be visible for inspection.


Measurements and Calculations Of Earth Electrode Systems (BS 7430)

Please visit our page Chemical Earthings Pipe in Pipe or Chemical Earthings Strip


3E Solutions earthing passed 33kA Shortckt Current at CPRI

We feel pleasure to announce that our 88 mm OD Chemical Earthing with Copper terminal has successfully passed initial peak of 70kA and 1 second 31kA in Short Circuit Test Laboratory of CPRI Banglore. Such earthing have been designed for Jaipur Discom applications where high short circuit current are anticipated. Our following earthings have already […]


BEC Joins hands with 3E Solutions

3E Solutions, a name of trust and electrical safety in Jaipur joins hands with BEC to extend benefits of another trusted name, BEC. B.E.C. Conduits Pvt. Ltd. is India’s leading manufacturer of cable protection and cable management systems approved in leading organization like CPWD, PWD, IOC, JDA, Housing Board, REIL etc also in commercial, industrial, […]

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